Let’s get started. If you haven’t already, get The Grove 3D tree growing software. Download it to wherever you like and follow the Install instructions. When you’re all set up, get growing with the Quick Start tutorial.
Use The Grove’s twigs, create your own, or even distribute simple leaves. Learn more on Creating and Using Twigs.
The Grove plays well with others. Best of all, The Grove’s unique twig system works great in other 3D software. Cinema 4D, LightWave, Modo and 3ds Max all support this system with minimal effort.
If you run into something, the Frequently Asked Questions may well keep you growing.
Master growing virtual trees by learning the inner workings of their real world counterparts. When using presets, growing 3D trees has never been easier and you’ll have results within minutes. If you’re ready to dive in deeper, this is the place to start reading. Trees have evolved to fascinating organisms that have some neat tricks up their sleeves.
Simulations are saved in the working file, so that you can continue to grow at any time.
The simulation runs in the core module, which has no UI. The add-ons create the interactive experience.
Does this 500-year-old observation still hold ground?
Guide to install the add-on in Blender and where to put twigs and textures.
A brief overview of how to grow your first trees, and how to shape them.
Find answers to the most common questions.
Twigs are small branches that use regular 3D geometry to represent leaves, flowers and fruit. You can model them to any level of detail, or purchase The Grove’s handmade twigs to get stunning results quickly.
As trees grow up, toward the sky, they compete with their neighbours that take away light. But the biggest competition is the very tree itself, where new leaves above shade the old underneath.
The mesmerizing spectacle of branches dancing in the wind really brings trees to life.
Watch heavy branches bend under the weight they carry. The continuous interplay of growth and gravity is what creates some of the most beautiful tree shapes.
Favor bright over dark, and rising over dangling. Grow free to the sides, or first grow in length.
Let nature take its course and watch trees develop into beautiful shapes. Mimic any tree’s character with intuitive parameters taken straight from the woods.
While a branch is growing in length, it is searching for the best direction to grow in. There are several outside influences that cause a branch to turn to a certain direction.
Assign a mesh object to attract, deflect or stop and prune new growth, or to simply cast shade on the growing tree.
The Grove builds high quality 3D models that are lightweight to render, thanks to its smart polygon reduction and a unique system of twigs.
Even though trees surround us everywhere, there are many misunderstandings about how they grow. Studying the way a real tree grows reveals surprising mechanisms that together evolve these complex plants.
The mysterious golden angle can be found in everything from sea shells to roman architecture, and trees are no exception.